Let’s take it step by step.

I am passionate about supporting people in maximising their psycho-social well-being through developing counselling plans to address a broad range of client issues including: self-awareness and self acceptance; problem solving skills; formation and maintenance of meaningful and satisfying relationships; communication skills.

Lisa Meyer. Registered Counsellor & founder of Step By Step.


“Lisa is relaxed, accepting, thoughtful and immensely helpful in my life. Seeing her has helped me to become more confident, effective, self-accepting and courageous, and I find her compassionate, sensitive, ethical, wise and kind.”


“Lisa is an empathetic, knowlegeable and intuitive counsellor. She carefully listens to understand relationships, difficult situations and their issues arising, asking questions to explore our feelings. Her knowledgeable intuition is key in making suggestions to try positive changes, checking outcomes at subsequent sessions. She gives hope that there are more rainbow moments ahead, that problems can be influenced and overcome. The caring, communicative and calm approach which Lisa adopts is a great example for a loving relationship.”

Contact Lisa.

E: lisameyercounselling@gmail.com
P: 0407 690 318

Chelmer, QLD 4068